I oppose the Comprehensive Immigration Reform in its current form rewarding law breaking while evaporating ways to legally immigrate!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Legal immigration - screwed again?

For some strange reason, around the time the Senate blocked CIR employment-based GC became current in the visa bulletin. After that, suddenly it was reversed. All the people that scrambled, cancelled vacations, and paid to have lawyers assemble I-485 got duped. It is quite interesting what a wreck of legal immigration system the US has, or what political games go on. While it does not affect me personally, another lesson learned.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

For now CIR is dead (June 28 - IT STILL IS!!!)

And I am so glad. How some Senators bowed over to demonize all legal immigration for the Latino voters! Senate tried wiping out rights of families to be together, they snuffed out legals having patiently waited.
Senator Sanders, why don't you go to Rostock protesting globalization - can't do that, right, because in the US you are a part of government yourself. You were blaming H1B for all that is wrong in the US, ridiculous! "If an American is fired then all H1B must be too". That would for sure have driven jobs overseas.
Legals at best got lip-service from anyone and perhaps corporations want the cheap labor only.
Meanwhile, they will have 20 million illegals next time they try ...
most Democrats - do not care for legal immigrants and will sacrifice them for illegals
most Republicans - do not care for either and will go either way so that economy has cheap labor

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

On some e-mail connection

Mr. Theroux of the Libertarian think tank Independent Institute was so nice to express his support for my efforts. I stumbled across their 2006 Open Letter On Immigration which was signed by representatives of many international universities. I especially like their anti-protectionist position that America is big enough an economy to create work for everyone as long as the markets are free.

Please check out their own Open Letter addressed to President Bush here.

Senate amendment 1199

Last week, I received a nice response from AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association). They too are concerned about the elimination of family reunification, asking me in response to alert any American friends I may have to call in to Senate offices supporting a particular amendment. Prompted by them, I followed yesterday's Senate presentation on C-SPAN2 by Senator Menendez concerning amendment 1199 (Dodd and Menendez) and S.A. 1194 (backlog in family reunification) and rebuking other senator's claims that preservation of family reunification is a killer to the CIR.

I completely agree that US citizens and permanent residents should continue to have their right to sponsor close relatives being honored.

I do not completely understand why it would have made a difference to General Powell's and Edison's (or to any other VIP example) contribution to US history had they not been able to sponsor their immigrant parents. Is that what you have so eloquently said, Senator Menendez: adult citizens are considered worthy sponsoring relatives? Worthy of having established family bonds? I think an adult presumably does not NEED their parents anymore to make it in life and make their contributions to the US. It is just that the United States wants to construe they have "earned" that privilege that they may sponsor relatives, as much as they have "earned" the privilege to fight and die in war for the US. These were your words, Senator Menendez: "worthy to fight, worthy to sponsor". But I just think that it is not only adult citizens who should have certain rights.

What about children of international divorce? They are citizens, but haven't earned that first right - having two parents. They also will not receive that loving attention by the divorced parent that was shut out of the US immigration system. Of course, THEY will not be able to become the future Powell's Mr. Menendez spoke about. There is a very fundamental flaw in thinking that only adults deserve their parents unless it is all about strategy. There is a fundamental flaw in all family-based immigration as practized by the United States and many countries. There also is a flaw in the merit system if the presence of a parent in the US gives points to an adult would-be immigrant, but the presence of a minor US citizen gives none to the parent - when also attempting to set barriers on all other ways to immigrate far higher in the future.

Senator Menendez used this word "worthy" so much. This seems to mean solely the inherent right of an adult US citizen to petition for immigration benefits on behalf of his relatives. This is smart, yet without any additional consideration all non-Americans, and all children, would not be worthy, they would be unworthy. In Germany, we once had the position that certain lives are worthy, and others unworthy. Other cultures stamp the unworthy label on infidels. Would the god-fearing nation USA need a reminder of that?

Nevertheless, I would support amendment 1199 as a first start, because it would not completely eliminate all immigration by family relationships and retain the basic thought that the fabrics of relationships are the base of individual and national success and important qualifiers for immigration.

Hence here my response to Senator Menendez, posted on his web form:

Dear Honorable Sen. Menendez -
I have just listened to your comments on the CIR on C-SPAN and was asked by AILA to hope for your amendment to pass.
Please also consider that children need two parents to provide for them. I do not understand why family reunification is only about the right of adult citizens to sponsor their parents. How about the right of little children to have a divorced parent provide for them? I am a former H1B who after divorce legally left the US and may perhaps never see my daughter (a citizen) again with some of the amendments to the CIR. Is that what is right - to make somebody a citizen but deny parents to work and see their child? Please read my story on http://immigrationparentsreform.blogspot.com/, including an idea on a bill at http://immigrationparentsreform.blogspot.com/2007/05/draft-bill-international-divorce.html . I apologize that I take myself the freedom to contact a US Senator as a father of a citizen. I know you are also not the senator for Wisconsin, where my daughter resides, but since you addressed family reunification, you should know.

Am I desperate about this? I have also e-mailed oprah.com about my issue here.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


From Rostock, in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania where I am from, battles between hard-core leftwing demonstrants and the police are reported, while there and elsewhere many other groups, including even the extreme right wing, are also demonstrating against the G8 summit.
I personally don't like one particular aspect of globalization. This is that the rich nations push for the free global movement of money, goods, and relocation of jobs, yet when it comes to allow the free settling of people even within this G8 or any other nation involved, they are the old protectionist school. This means, they can allow their nation's businesses to relocate production and services abroad, but they will not allow people to follow. Germany won't simply let Americans live freely in Germany, the US won't allow Germans to do that. India might take the jobs, but it probably also would not let foreigners in. Perhaps, within the EU this is now relaxed. Thus, I think the whole globalization serves only two interests in the rich nations: that of the shareholders to make more money, and that of politicians, to keep the population calm with cheap goods from far away. There is nothing noble about globalization.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Some reflections upon who looks at my posts

Both the US and Germany had long weekends. After looking at my counters, I saw that someone at a nearby German university looked at my posts. And the one next on the list gives me some hope. n021.dhs.gov = somebody at the Department of Homeland Security. Perhaps, one of my attempts to reach a politician had led to this, and I am glad it did. If that somebody looks back here, I would like to address that person directly.

Dear DHS Staffer -

I am really glad you made it here. Perhaps you work for USCIS or some other unit dealing with immigration. I can assure you I am a real person, yet I am no threat to the US. If you were asked to look at my credibility, you may wish to report this. Of course, I trust that if you need to find out more about me such as phone numbers and other details, this should not be too difficult.

20 years ago, back in the days of East German communism, I stepped into the US embassy's library / cultural center in East Berlin to have a look at forbidden books promoting freedom of thought and democratic values. I am sure that the East German Stasi secret service knew about it, and there might still be some documentation in their files. Back then, I already liked the United States as a country of freedom. I would never have thought where this would lead me to. Dear DHS Person, if you have access to the Stasi files, maybe you can even find me there.

Ironically, it might now be more difficult visiting a US embassy than under the watching eye of the Stasi, how times have changed ....

Obviously, I am aware that visitors from n021.dhs.gov frequent many websites, and there is already speculation about that to be found when typing the domain name into Google.


Just asked AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association) for a position or help.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Senate comes closer to abolishing H1B

digg.com The United States Senate has yesterday taken aim to effectively destroy the H1B, slapping a 5000 Dollar fee on all new H1B as well as renewals and adjustments. While I can now be glad I will never be again an H1B slave, I can now also be sure that there is no way back to the US to my daughter through any legal immigration path. No H1B means no employment-based GC anymore either. No Green Card lottery anymore. Decreased family immigration. The US is looking ahead to a bright agricultural future as millions of skilled immigrants will now be forced to abandon the US. All in exchange for amnesty for illegals. Illegals will at the most pay a one-time penalty fee ($5000) and can then stay in the US and work in any job. H1B applications will be tagged at $5000 a shot each. I wonder why are they not honest and just say: closed door = no more foreigners can work or live for any reason in the United States from now on?
Democrats and Co have proven they are only for past illegal immigrants, and nobody is for legal immigrants.
Watch out USA for me taking aim at your human rights record even further.
I used the online contact form of Sens. Sanders, Cornyn, and Kennedy to oppose this CIR and ask for relief for international divorce families.
Michelle Malkin®, are you sleeping?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Draft Bill: International Divorce Immigration Relief Act (IDIRA)

Since nothing ever happens without taking initiative, here a draft bill.

Sign this as a petition!!

Digg it!

Draft Bill Proposal

International Divorce Immigration Relief Act (IDIRA)

The purpose of this law is to allow children regular, meaningful contact to both parents, also where families become separated over international boundaries in times of globalization. It also improves the ability of parents to financially support children legally residing in the United States, for example, allowing a parent living in a underdeveloped country with low pay to help in the upbringing of the minor child.

Definitions: Eligible Visa Applicants are:

Biological or adoption parents of a minor child, if
a) the child, as well as the custodian or parent living with the child, are US citizens or long-term permanent residents or non-immigrants lawfully present in the United States
b) the child was born to, or adopted by the applicant while the applicant was lawfully present in the United States as a long-term permanent resident or non-immigrant visa holder
c) the marriage resulted in divorce or separation with the child legally remaining in the United States
d) the applicant left the United States according to immigration law and was not deported

The parent or custodian residing in the United States with the minor child may not have to be a US citizen.

In addition, a parent of a minor child if the child was born or adopted into the family outside the United States but where one custodial parent (whether US citizen or not) has since lawfully relocated with the child to the United States, is also eligible.

Terms of the visa:
The visa is for three years, indefinitely renewable until the minor child reaches age 21. It allows unrestricted, yet temporary work in the United States and the accumulation of social benefits. Child support as ordered by family courts will have to be paid or the visa may be revoked. The visa holder is considered a potential legal immigrant and may switch to other visa categories and apply for Green Card, e.g by self-sponsoring. If the minor child has left the United States permanently or reached age 21, renewal is not possible.

When the applicant files for this visa, immigration officials will check the immigration or citizenship status of the US-residing custodian and the minor child, as well as divorce documentation. If the parent or custodian lawfully residing in the United States has unlawfully taken the minor child to the United States (kidnapping) and if that person is not a US citizen all immigration benefits may be revoked and that person may have to be ordered to leave the United States to the country where the applicant resides. This may be waived if not in the best interest of the child. In the latter case, the new parent visa shall be granted to the applicant.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Roller coaster goes on

So from far away I read that the Senate has passed the bill to be debated for 2 weeks. I hope this will not mean closed doors for future return to the US. Immigrationvoice.org is opposing, I oppose it for some of the same, some unique reasons. It plainly is not fair to reward those ignoring the laws if penalizing those who followed the law, and if cementing human rights violations with either.
Nothing in for people who failed but have good reason to want to try again.
What is in store for future H1B people, who knows. Also wonder what happens to people waiting for GC just a short time, whether they will have to start again. Hope that the Wisconsin senators (Democrats) do something good.

New contacts

Today I contacted the most prestigious German news magazines, DER SPIEGEL, STERN, FOCUS, DIE ZEIT, as well as several leading father's rights organizations. This is a first step in two more directions. Soon I will follow up on calling Senate offices.

I also posted on a newspaper forum in Rochester NY: Democrat & Chronicle

I welcome the visitors from Reuters and from the US Census Bureau! Hope you can make something of it!

.... Contacted ACLU ....

Another postcript. I called the local offices of Senators Kohl and Feingold in Wisconsin. Couldn't reach my contacts, but especially calling in Middleton which was my home for so long and where my daughter lives makes me so sad. I wish they would do something for people like me. Can anyone imagine how it is to constantly live in fear on H1B because there is always no research grant to keep going much longer, then lose child and wife and home, and then legally leave, and then the country closes the door further? These were my past 4 years or so of life.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Three Challenges

Challenge 1 - Dear Readers!

Anyone in a similar boat - I want to hear from you, read from you! Write your own stories and post them everywhere. There must be other international divorced couples that CIR will affect. There must be other people stuck by H1B regulations and families falling apart. Go fight! I am from East Germany - I tell you if I had been stuck on one side of the border and my child on the other I would have fought as well 30 years ago. I am not intimidated by the USA, you should not be either! Make your voice heard!

Challenge 2 - Dear US Media!

I think you should be ashamed if you do not report fair and balanced on both sides of issues. There isn't just the poor illegal immigrants! Liberal, conservative, progressive, whatever, none of you feel for the ones that legally tried to stay in the US. BTW Just a thought - if 12, 20 million get amnesty, how about adding just a few temporary yet flexible work visas (might just be 10.000 or so) to the parents of minor citizens if the minor citizen was born during legal stays of the parent? I could ask this the politicians who would not listen. Will you not listen either?

Challenge 3 - Dear Michelle Malkin!

You are such an avid, young, and so conservative blogger and columnist. How I hated some of your syndicated columns in the University of Tennesee student newspaper. We are about the same age. I read you have kids, too. Pick up my story, rip it apart if you wish, but pick it up! You have my e-mail, it is posted below here as well.


PS - Dear Anyone who hates the United Nations! Keep on hating them. If the US was a party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, I would have brought a complaint against the US! This is possible for citizens of member states!

PS2 - The parent visit visas are also only for parents of citizens over 21 who sponsor that parent and post bail. Great! No nothing for somebody who is divorced and left the US and a minor child behind. Good bye! (.........) the USA. That is what I think now. And that merits points system seems to demand one has to take another TOEFL! As a PhD from a US university, too? How do you suppose I received a PhD in Biology - speaking Mandarin? No merit points either for having minor children in the US - but merit points for BEING an adult foreign child of a citizen! This is such an aweful legislation. What is such a merit about that? The word divorce doesn't even exist in the draft! Get divorced and you are out! Why is that - no divorces in the US? Immigrants never divorce? Divorce is not Christian? Or just IGNORANCE!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Neglect of Human Rights Principles by the United States (and only a few other nations)

According to the UNHCR website, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. The Convention was entered into force in 1990. Since then, almost all United Nations members have ratified the Convention.

There are two prominent exceptions. One is the failed state, Somalia. Perhaps there wasn't a government to ratify it. Or some fundamentalist reason exists not to ratify it.
The other country not to ratify is a nation that often defies the United Nations and fears to be bound by international agreements possibly detrimental to itself. That country is the United States of America. Perhaps, some fundamentalist notion in itself is at play in the United States as well. Not surprisingly, the Homeschoolers oppose it! The companionship of Somalia and the United States indeed is striking!

Now let's see, what this means. I am now just talking about this in regards to immigration reform.

Article 9:
"States Parties shall ensure that a child shall not be separated from his or her parents against their will, except when competent authorities subject to judicial review determine, in accordance with applicable law and procedures, that such separation is necessary for the best interests of the child...."
Okay, "competent" autorities implies for example the court that declared me divorced. Giving primary custody to the other parent. Whether in the best interest of the child has little to do with immigration reform as that court has no influence on immigration status of parents. That court cannot force me to remain with my child in the US (e.g. against USCIS demands). In a way, unfortunately.
"States Parties shall respect the right of the child who is separated from one or both parents to maintain personal relations and direct contact with both parents on a regular basis, except if it is contrary to the child's best interests."
In my case, and likely and hopefully in many cases, the court will wish to preserve the contacts of minor children to both parents. Yet, in placing immigration law above this, the States Party (United States) does not respect this right. Well, again, the United States is not bound to this as it did not ratify the Convention. How clever! And how shameful for this human rights champion!

Now I am not just gonna bash the United States here. Some other countries ratified, but with objections basically nullifying this article.

Not surprisingly, Germany has the most protracted, long phrases on how it deals with the Convention (Korea's below is just a short "no" to provisions). In Red here those objections and restrictions that in effect also make children of international divorce to second class children not allowed to have the other parent:

Upon signature: Declaration:

"The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right to make, upon ratification, such declarations as it considers necessary, especially with regard to the interpretation of articles 9, 10, 18 and 22."

Upon ratification: Declarations:

....The planned measures include, in particular, a revision of the law on parental custody in respect of children whose parents have not married, are permanently living apart while still married, or are divorced. The principal aim will be to improve the conditions for the exercise of parental custody by both parents in such cases as well. The Federal Republic of Germany also declares that domestically the Convention does not apply directly. It establishes state obligations under international law that the Federal Republic of Germany fulfils in accordance with its national law, which conforms with the Convention.

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany is of the opinion that article 18 (1) of the Convention does not imply that by virtue of the entry into force of this provision parental custody, automatically and without taking into account the best interests of the respective child, applies to both parents even in the case of children whose parents have not married, are permanently living apart while still married, or are divorced. Such an interpretation would be incompatible with article 3 (1) of the Convention. The situation must be examined in a case-by-case basis, particularly where the parents cannot agree on the joint exercise of custody.

Nothing in the Convention may be interpreted as implying that unlawful entry by an alien into the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany or his unlawful stay there is permitted; nor may any provision be interpreted to mean that it restricts the right of the Federal Republic of Germany to pass laws and regulations concerning the entry of aliens and the conditions of their stay or to make a distinction between nationals and aliens.
The Government of Japan declares that paragraph 1 of article 9 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child be interpreted not to apply to a case where a child is separated from his or her parents as a result of deportation in accordance with its immigration law.
The Republic of Korea considers itself not bound by the provisions of paragraph 3 of article 9, paragraph (a) of article 21 and sub-paragraph (b) (v) of paragraph 2 of article 40.
With respect to article 9, under Icelandic law the administrative authorities can take final decisions in some cases referred to in the article. These decisions are subject to judicial review in the sense that it is a principle of Icelandic law that courts can nullify administrative decisions if they conclude that they are based on unlawful premises. This competence of the courts to review administrative decisions is based on article 60 of the Constitution.
The countries of the former Yugoslavia withdrew earlier reservations on Article 9.1.

To summarize: Somalia and the United States did not ratify the Convention. Hence, immigration law can separate children from parents permanently. Germany has made reservations that effectively mean the same thing - yet the constitutional court meanwhile has ruled that deportation is not possible for parents of citizens (in German). Japan specifically states that immigration law trumps childrens rights, Korea without specification also feels not bound to Article 9. Iceland finally also states reservations that may mean the same. Hence, the core rogue nations in regards to human rights of children are about a handful!

Now dear reader you may understand my anger at the Comprehensive Immigration Reform if it does not implement relieve for broken families. Families broken because of failed immigration policies.

Two more media contact attempts

(Just 46 readers in 13 hours: readership is slow today on a weekend day, and most people come from DSL IPs rather than corporate office IPs; hope the site will gain momentum again monday.)

Number who supported the Open Letter as a petition: PetitionOnline Count


Now I contacted an unnamed columnist of Newsweek, and I did contact Michelle Malkin. I know she would be anti-immigrant being the daughter of immigrants herself, but it would be interesting to see how she justifies the rewarding of the illegals and the kicking out of legals (or diminishing ways to immigrate legally for any reason) at the same time. If she ignores my mail, I will note that, if she attacks me, I don't care this gives me publicity as well.:

My message to Mrs Malkin:

we may strongly disagree on certain things politically, but nevertheless I find it important you are informed of my own stance for immigration reform, and how I think this rewarding of illegal behavior and at the same time shutting out much of legal immigration is extremely enraging me.

You have permission to quote this anywhere you want.

Please, take a look at my story on

http://immigrationparentsreform.blogspot.com/ and links throughout!

I think the US should be ashamed of how it treats those that follow the rules, lose their families through it, and now take all hopes of supporting children (US citizen) of divorce by more than peanut money from the lost father overseas.

This is no different than the wall erected by the Communists in Germany - and I endured that. Now I will not be silenced.

I shall fight on!

The US can separate families without this, just by not accepting international consensus that parents and minor children belong together, which appears to be cemented with the CIR.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Dirk Krueger

Shame USA for this piece of legislation!

The White House posted that the Green Card Lottery is also disbanded, and as they proudly state on White House Immigration Reform page, parent immigration will be capped (needless to say, only rich adult children may sponsor), and parents are now allowed to have special visas to visit citizen children. The Lottery was almost my last hope to get back to the US. It is great how they reward those illegal ones and boot everybody else. I see it now really this way - the US immigration system has destroyed my family, and now taken much of my ability to support my daughter more than just with financial peanuts. SHAME USA!!!!!

The following was also posted at German IndyMedia and Madison IndyMedia.


This I just wrote to Congress:

Dear Senators and House Representatives for Madison, WI; Committees on the Judiciary and Foreign Relations,

The President and the media reported a breakthrough in immigration reform.

As it appears, it will amount to legalizing all people that remained illegally in the country January 1, 2007, rewarding them with benefits an H1B visa holder never had. While a preferrable immigration based on education points will be introduced, in general, all legal ways to immigrate will be severely decreased in visa numbers, and perhaps also categories of eligible applicants. In addition, no provision deals with broken families.
The only change I see there is a new visa category for repeated visits by parents of minor US citizens, but no amendment of work visas to enable participation in the lives of children in divorces. This will perpetuate the shameful US way of dealing with international divorces involving minor US citizens - I repeat THEIR citizens. In addition, should EU-US negotiations on airline passenger data fail and the visa waiver regulations be stopped, not only will the tourism industry suffer by the long waits for visa interviews and the Open Skies agreement will become useless, but also the ability of divorced foreign parents to see their children will be further hampered.

I quote from http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/immigration/:
"FACT: Visas for parents of U.S. citizens are being capped, while visas for
siblings and adult children are eliminated."

I strongly protest the currently known bits of the comprehensive immigration reform as it rewards illegal immigrants, and further damages the hopes of legal immigrants, and of members of broken legacy families of the failed US immigration system.

Sincerely, on behalf of my citizen daughter

Dirk Krueger
PhD (Tennessee 2002)

Please note I will post this, without mentioning your e-mail addresses, on

Friday, May 18, 2007

Some progress

My statistics (the counter) is giving some good news. People looked at the site coming from US governmental servers and state government servers; from the World Bank! Welcome someone at FOX News as well! Anyone in a similar boat - unite and fight! Equal treatment for illegals and legals, and family unification for everyone!

Number who supported the Open Letter as a petition: PetitionOnline Count

Looks good on Google as well, getting easier to find this story, e.g. just now "Letter President May 13" suffices to hit it on top of the list. Thank you all visitors!

PS - Dear Unknown Visitor from the Red Cross - if you work for the Red Cross, this is a humanitarian issue as well. Thank you!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Posted at Indymedia

Well, now the Open Letter is posted at IndyMedia, especially since neither the Capitol Times nor TIME Magazine responded yet.

German IndyMedia

Madison WI IndyMedia

I also contacted the Progressive Magazine in Madison, WI asking for an OpEd opportunity.



Last year, I have contacted every single one TV station in Madison, both newspapers, the national TV networks, several newspapers in major cities, The Nation, TIME, and Newsweek. Amazingly, not a single one responded. I did get a response from the German consulate in Chicago saying they can't do anything, of course. And one from the Green Party of Germany with no further follow-up after informing me which parlamentarian will be notified.
For one, I don't believe anymore in the distinction of liberal and conservative, that silly American thing. On certain issues, there just is ignorance. Fathers rights is ignored by a lot of so-called liberals and leftists. This is not to say that fathers rights might be pro-immigrant voices either, yet I have met some extremely nice and helpful people there - thank you Joe of Wisconsin Fathers for Children and Families.
It just happens to be I don't believe in inevitable destinies. I mean, some human construct like immigration laws is not something biologically inevitable such as death. So I am not gonna calm down and shut up! Be aware - I endured communism, and I am not intimidated by any crap capitalism poops.

This counter is just showing how many people read the Open Letter at this site alone:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Links to already compiled contacts with politicians and media

As a general rule, I will not post any communication here which is not addressed from / to elected officials or their staffers (the latter only with hiding personal information), government agencies or publicly known figures in the media world.

President George W. Bush (CC President Bill Clinton):

Senator Herb Kohl:

Senator Russ Feingold:

Representative Tammy Baldwin:

Gov. Jim Doyle of Wisconsin:

Representative Tancredo and Newsanchor Brokaw:

Both Green Party of Germany and Consulate General:

Monday, May 14, 2007

TIME Magazine asked for an OpEd

Also I contacted TIME Magazine to use my open letter. If no response, I will go to other media outlets.

"Dear Time Magazine,

please consider the publication or use of my Open Letter to President Bush (e.g. as an OpEd), which I have also sent in part to the Bill Clinton foundation. I keep track of the contacts on a blog (http://immigrationparentsreform.blogspot.com). If I do not hear from you, I will also ask Newsweek or other print media.

Thank you very much!


Dirk Krueger"

At the same time, I started to post correspondence online, and also asked FAIR, Fair Media Council, and Madison Indy Media for coverage. The latter may be a way to write another editorial on the issue ...

As of May 19, no media has taken up the issue.

William J. Clinton Foundation asked for help

My letter to President Bush was also sent to Bill Clinton's Foundation
(www.clintonfoundation.org) which states that its mission is:

"to strengthen the capacity of people in the United States and throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence"

which seems very appropriate.

Open Letter to the President, May 13, 2007

The Honorable George W. Bush, President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC, 20500

Subject: Open Letter - Immigration policy, divorce, and separated children

Dear Mr. President,

As a concerned father of a resident US Citizen living in Wisconsin I would like to write and comment on the state of the US immigration system and on the debated changes. I do not write for inappropriate favoritism, yet my interest in these affairs obviously is based on personal experience. Also, after years of living in the US, returning to East German home turf is not like home anymore; I feel as much American as European.

Originally I came to the US in 1998 to pursue a PhD in graduate school, entering the University of Tennessee. This is where I also met my past wife, another German expatriate. This is where I fevered with the US when the horrible news of 9/11 unfolded, and I fevered with the Americans during presidential campaigns. To be honest, I felt more at ease with the opponent side, but I understand and honor how America is run.

Moving on to Wisconsin, and onto marrying my German co-expatriate, I progressed through a series of postdoctoral appointments, working under H1B conditions and restrictions. Times for my supervisors in basic science were not easy, so due to lack of funds and my own inability (postdoctoral and non-resident status) to qualify for US grants I did not get any stable job. My wife meanwhile had the fortune of finding a good corporate employer who also started sponsoring her Green Card. We moved into our own new house, and had a baby. However, my inability to land a lasting job helped bring about the collapse of our marriage against my will. Shortly after the birth of our daughter, after a last minute effort to stay for her birth, I was divorced and removed in a state of depression and disbelief. As foreseen, I still could get no Green Card sponsoring job, and my time permitted on H1B neared its ultimate end. I had no other way but leaving when also a job offer in Germany came. I did not dare staying on as illegal alien, which would not just be inappropriate, but devastating for my future life, career, and thus relationship to my infant daughter.

After 9 years of spotless residency and having paid all taxes, I am back in Germany to a bumpy new start, while my daughter just turned 2. Perhaps I will never see her again. I would not dare begging the US for changes had I not an innocent daughter there who is otherwise damned to grow up fatherless. While the public fears “anchor babies” I can only say that done according to the law, there is no such category of human. My daughter may, if she still knows me, wishes so and can afford it, apply for a Green Card for me in distant 19 years when I am old and unproductive for US society, while instead, she would need me now. “Anchors” may perhaps only help people already illegal.

I am aware that I may have made wrong choices in my scientific career path, place I moved to, choice of partner. In economically instable times and times of relative equality of women, high divorce rates are expected. Society at large may not be to blame for the countless personal tragedies. Yet it is the laws and societal circumstances where such tragedies unfold.

I have learned that the United States has not ratified the US 1) Convention on the Rights of the Child. The latter states in Article 9 that children shall not be separated from parents against their will. I assume that even an infant without expressed will would not wish to be separated from a parent. Germany, according to a 2005 Supreme Court ruling, may not anymore deport divorced parents of children residing in the country. Brazil, according to Resolution 36, also grants residency to foreign parents of dependent children.

The United States has countless, often uneducated illegal immigrants. If their status is improved by the famous path to citizenship, or left unchanged, I believe that the US would do well to also treat educated foreigners with proper relations in the US better. Especially those foreign natives that have followed all rules should be treated at least equally.

The H1B regulations as well as Green Card delays are constantly endangering families. For example, it is near impossible to switch jobs easily. On paper, if for any reason a job, in academia hence also research money, runs out, one has 24 hours to leave. I myself could not visit friends and family, or research conferences outside the US, for several years, because of the short periods of funding and the extended waits for visa interviews. Obviously this has further damaged family life as well as career options. And if marriages between citizens and foreigners, or two foreigners with citizen children, fail under such conditions, the children will likely lose a parent.

The state of the immigration system is shameful for the United States, the self-declared champion of human rights. I myself have earned an advanced US degree, both benefiting from US tax money and giving back to society, and in the least with giving the US another citizen. Insecure times, and my wish to preserve my family and staying where my ex-wife was given her the chance for her Green Card, have meant that I am losing all.

Now I have vowed to myself to keep fighting. As a father of a citizen who is not intending to be that dreaded deadbeat father, I feel myself both entitled, and required to fight for a change. I am in touch with the staffers of congressmen Kohl, Feingold, Kennedy, and congresswoman Baldwin, and will document my fight and contact with media on the internet. Unfortunately, while covering equally sad immigrant stories such as that of Madison’s Asmeret Yosef, the unfortunate Antje Croton case, or foreign widows of deceased citizens, the story of a divorced father is less to the media outlets, perhaps already not favorable to father’s rights. Thus, I must engage myself on the internet, and with open letters.

If I ever am able to move back to the US after my middle age, I could only do so if there is a reasonable chance of succeeding there in the job market, otherwise I would risk homelessness in either country at old age. Unless also, the US is granting more relaxed work visas to parents of citizen children born innocently during legal residency times of a parent. Basically, I wish there was a visa category that allows switching positions, e.g. in times of economic downturn (for example, research funding hardships), to related, lesser jobs. I do not demand citizenship or Green Card if not appropriate, but for the sake of my child, I would like something near to it. Yet, as I have said, I do not see this as a fight for just myself. In these times of globalization, there are countless sad international divorce stories and will be.

Please, Mr. President, help the innocent dependents of a failed visa policy! Urge congress for a balanced, facetted immigration law encompassing both national security and the morals and family values you as a professed Christian nation adhere to. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Dr. Dirk Krueger

1) It was meant to write UN (United Nations).

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Getting active

Today I have contacted Capitol Times, the liberal Madison newspaper, as well as staffers of Congressmen/women Feingold, Kohl, Kennedy, and Baldwin. Will see if the newspaper sees it fit to finally publish a letter to the editor.
Also, a copy of things posted so far is on my new site alice-dsl.net/dkruegerknox where I also plan to post all previous and future communication. Also reposted on the MSNBC Board "In the Shadow of the American Dream" (MSNBC Message Board). Mr. Tom Brokaw and US Rep. Tancredo of course did not see fit to respond about my story when I contacted them earlier.
The fight is on!
MSNBC Board:
Hi all, I am back here, now posting from Germany after the US government forced me to abandon my US citizen child. Somebody above posted that this never happens to whites, but I assure you it does.
Please browse there - those stories and blogs I am writing, and I am in touch with US senate staffers now, and will keep fighting! What a shame, not even Brazil is doing what the US is doing to foreign parents of citizens!!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Contacted Congress again

Well I do live in Germany now, yet it is hard to fit in here as well. In some ways I now feel American and not German, in spite of the partly miserable experience I had in the US. Anyways I hang on. For now, I just note I gave a sign of life to the Wisconsin congress(wo)men:

"herewith I would like to inform you of my new address. As your Middleton and DC staffers might remember, I am the father of a US citizen in Middleton WI and have moved away back to Germany after divorce and no possibility to keep working on H1B in the US. I still feel responsible to urge for changes in the legal immigration system to allow people with infants in the US to immigrate legally for the support of their children, especially if they have lived in the US legally and obtained advanced US degrees. Please do not use the above address this form requires me to enter, but note my new home address: ..."

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A few more days

Just a few more days in the US. If I get a flight after it was cancelled.

I vow myself to fight on in Germany to be reunited with my daughter here!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Found on the web - a nasty, wrong description of my plight


From: JobDestruction.info
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 11:34 PM
To: JobDestruction.info
Subject: Another Sob Story


I wasn't going to use this propaganda piece until it occurred to me how
eerily similar the sniveling was to the Vivek Wadhwa op-ed on Businessweek.
Both stories are about East Europeans that have PhD degrees who are being
forced to leave the United States because they have overstayed their
welcome. Another common theme that permeates these articles is the
assumption that the United States will be far worse off if we allow
educated people to leave instead of giving them green cards so that they
can stay in the U.S. forever.

Keep in mind that Dr. Krueger was last employed as a post doc on an H-1B
visa. These jobs, as he notes, don't pay well but that's in large part to
the fact that foreigners like him are willing to take these jobs for
peanuts -- and just as importantly universities prefer their cheap labor to
American academics.

It's worth noting that he took a job that only requires a BS degree because
this type of job title switching is one of the methods employers use for
getting around prevailing salary requirements. Krueger knew the game the
university was playing but took the job anyway.

Krueger and his wife had a daughter while they were doing "research" at one
of our universities, I apologize for the cheap shot but just couldn't
resist a parting blow for Valentine's day!. He whines that he is being
forced to leave his daughter in the U.S. but never explains why he can't
take her back to Germany. Perhaps she would lose her anchor baby status if
she was repatriated to Germany. His plea for universal anchor baby rights
should be serious cause for alarm -- especially since it's the globalists
at the UN who are pushing it.

Krueger wrote the following: "Ratify the UN Convention for the Rights of
the Child, as it demands that children shall not be separated from either
parent." Instead of kowtowing to UN mandates we need to insist that
Congress needs to pass the "Citizenship Reform Act of 2007" (H.R. 133) to
eliminate the baby anchor loophole.

Krueger's tragic story and his observations about the exploitive nature of
the H-1B visa are not good arguments for increased immigration. I have
heard equally tragic stories from American PhDs that have had their lives
torn apart because they lost out in the job market to H-1B and green card
visa holders.

Let's save our sympathies for our own "best and brightest" and wish Krueger
a "Gute Reise" back to Germany! ---

My response to Mr Sanchez:

Have you even read my story that you dare ridiculing me! I seriously doubt you can even read English!

a) I have never taken a job that requires only a BS! I said that I had interviews but wasn't getting such job anyways.
b) You don't understand anything about immigration and divorce law, do you - you just want to abolish it all? I happily would take my daughter with me - but that is kidnapping my daughter from her mother and from this country. How about I say the United States immigration law has kidnapped my daughter?
c) I have NOT overstayed my welcome. I am leaving - but fighting to be back! Neither it seems that Dr. Kholodar in that story on www.businessweek.com overstayed his visa or his welcome. Only people that arrive illegally do so from the start. A scientist does not dare do that.
d) I see the deliberate phrasing of me being cheap labor while the Americans are the true academics.

In my own country people with mindsets not unlike yours will file ranks with the Neonazis who happily collaborate in that country with other thugs bent on destroying the United States and all democracy.

... you.

Some links regarding Mr Sanchez:
Clusty Search

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My fight for immigration reform

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The following part of my fight appeared online by Feb 21.:


Give H1-B Visa Holders a Life

New America Media, Commentary, Dirk Krueger, Posted: Feb 12, 2007

Editor’s Note: A German scientist lost more than his visa when his job ran out; he lost his family as well. Dr. Dirk Krueger, who was last with the Department of Soil Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a member of Immigration Voice. IMMIGRATION MATTERS regularly features the views of the nation's leading immigrant rights groups and advocates.

MADISON, Wisc. -- I am a new dad who has lost much in divorce. It is still hard to talk about, but this March I will move back to my home country, Germany, after nine years in America, with far less than what I came with. My daughter and my dreams are staying behind.

Born and raised in Communist East Germany, I came to the United States in 1998 to pursue a Ph.D. I came to respect this country and made new friends. I held an open mind about whether to stay or return to Germany after receiving my doctorate degree. Midway through graduate school, I met another German citizen and fellow scientist in the U.S., fell in love with her, and we were later married.

My partner moved first to the new town where I had been promised a post-doc position. Her own prior post-doc job had given her a very good position in a promising biotech company. We both felt at home in this town. My wife wanted a good life after having worked so hard for her own Ph.D., and we bought a house. Her company arranged her Green Card process to be initiated. ...


Dirk Krueger on Feb 21, 2007 at 15:46:14 said:

Dear Readers -

first I would like to thank ImmigrationVoice and NAM for the opportunity to have this story out. And to ImmigrationVoice that I support their efforts in general, and wish not to focus just on my own problems.

I myself need not win over all Americans' opinion on this issue, as this is a democracy. There will always, in any country, be people opposed to aliens. It is enough to show how important this issue is to me, and to politicians willing to listen.

Concluding, the US may opt to adopt a closed border for all aliens for the future and see what it leads to. The current restrictive ways to legally immigrate, including to legally immigrate for family reunion, are already shameful enough. What the US can't do is undo the harm already done to their citzens, as well as immigrants, by this mess. The restrictions on legal immigration are probably already a nod to immigration opponents. People who came legally to this country and their lifes are in chaos because of the unfortunate effects of a mix of capitalist greed and bowing to the angry will of the people. When I came, no American has shown evil will against me, and I always felt welcome as long as I didn't demand anything like now.

Aaron mentioned there are companies who hire H1B to unite one employee's family (which my ex' company would not do, wouldn't even hire any spouses in general). While not quite legal and with loopholes, this again only highlights the messy situation where there just is no way to immigrate to the US anymore any other way.

I hope immigration reform can be balanced and fair for all currently involved.



Pumpi and John -

I thank you for your recent supportive postings. Indeed I was somewhat shocked by some of the remarks before. Should stop going back and forth about it at this place, but your messages prompted me to post one more.

There is this notion in Mr Sanchez' messages that neither Germany nor the US shall pay for my personal mistakes. I think this calls for some explanation here.

As it stands now, the US is not paying for anything here. My child, a citizen, is lawfully atmitted to the US alongside my ex spouse, no matter how sad this makes me myself. My ex spouse is paying taxes, and I will pay child support, at a level I can afford given German regulations and conditions. Right now, no other American suffers here. My daughter will not know me, will meet me even less than the children of soldiers that volunteered into the position to be sent to Iraq (of course, as long as those parents live). My ex is legally here and professes to want to follow through all the way to citizenship, no matter how dreadful H1B opponents think her own H1B status is. She also pays her taxes here. Her company is no mass importer of H1Bs.

As I have clearly stated, I did not father a child to have an anchor baby. I would perhaps not even want if I am 70 and she might want to sponsor me here - besides, I might long be forgotten or despised then. I want a fair chance to be here nearby and support her now as she can benefit from having such relationship to her dad.

Any father involuntarily divorced and losing everything (yes, incl. losing my ability to stay here I have foressen with the divorce) should understand me. I want more than just being a paying phantom. Such is hard enough even when one lives in the same country.

I admit making mistakes, like anyone in life. Taking a career path where even in good times perhaps 1 in a 100 will end up with a permanent position in that field. Marrying a compatriot from my own country rather than an American, or staying single. BTW, marrying an American could have led to the same ugly end, even without considering sham marriages - parents do get deported when citizen spouses die or divorce them. Then when 6 times there was no more money to keep employed, and my frantic trying to switch into a corporate job failed - instead of desperately trying to stay here with my family I should have given up. I endured not being able to see my country for years, endured accusations. My spouse would not want me to stay home as H4 dependent and end my own career for good, me being a lousy housekeeper, too. All this hassle because of my mistakes, under the regulations of the H1B. And now it was all for nothing. I have given the US the present of another fatherless child. The H1B is being indentured, indeed, even in academia. Everybody knows how difficult funding is. And a foreign postdoc can't apply for funds themselves. Germany for example was happy to see me go, they got enough unemployed scientists. And since I did my PhD in the US, and advanced into middle age, they wouldn't fund me for staying on here either. So when funding runs out, each time there is the loom of having to go back for real. H1B does not allow switching positions. Heck, it doesn't even allow just working if a new visa application is sent in too late to be approved by the time funding runs out for the last job, until the new application gets approved. Do I really want to get back into this, do it all over again now that I spend my last penny moving back, and that I have a temporary job in Germany? Risking to be homeless on the street at 65 because it all may repeat when I try again? I would not, unless there is some reform, or a really good chance at getting tenured. And then I would do so for my daughter only. After all that has happened, in that case I may think I deserve even citizenship then. But as you not easily offer that, I think I need not demand that really.

Again, thank you all for understanding.


Dirk Krueger on Feb 16, 2007 at 04:24:11 said:

Dear Mr Sanchez

responding to your accusation of keeping my daughter in the US to retain her as an anchor:
untrue allegation. I would like nothing more then her being wherever I am. "Anchors" indeed work only for illegal immigrants which stay on in the US near their children and then get benefits through them. As I have clearly stated, I fight for my ability to be near, and against those who threaten to shut down all the doors.

"Your plea for the UN proposal for universal anchor baby rights is very alarming, especially since it’s the globalists who are pushing it."

Response: No, this is a fundamental human right! Not a ploy of some globalists in black helicopters! I am also carefully separating citizenship from work and visit rights for parents. That would preclude lots of benefits of citizenship. I will be fine with getting some responsibilities and don't have some of the benefits if needed.

"It is sad that you are being separated from your daughter but if the UN has their way the U.S. government would be responsible for your mistakes. That’s not fair to us!"

Response: Since your country (government) has allowed this for countless illegal foreigners, it is only fair to demand the same rights for all foreigners. Change the way for the future, but you can't undo the damage done already.

"Nobody seems concerned with children in the U.S. who are being shoved aside so that immigrant anchor babies can have welfare, educations, medical care etc. I have sympathy for your daughter but must question why you feel American citizens should pick up the tab instead of the German government."

Response: Parents (at the very least of legal status) pay taxes! Negotiate with Germany if Germany should pay for children of Germans in the US if in the future you will not give them citizenship anymore. The US would then have to do so for American children in Germany.

"The UN treaty called “Rights of the Child” should be nipped in the bud before it metastasizes in the U.S. Instead of kowtowing to UN mandates we need to insist that Congress needs to pass the "Citizenship Reform Act of 2007" (H.R. 133) to eliminate the baby anchor loophole."

Response: I knew that this is a common US attitude to the UN. Fine to get rid of citizenship with me for future international guests in the US. But you will still have to negotiate at least bilateral ways to deal with international divorces.


Dirk Krueger on Feb 15, 2007 at 15:28:22 said:

Dear all -

I do not want you to think that I hate the US. I hate certain aspects of its policies. And I am saying that I don't need citizenship for myself because I understand that might go too far. It really is about my daughter being supported and seen by her dad on a regular, affordable basis. It is not just about a job per se, of course I would need to make a living, and have some way to live when old. That is why I would not even necessarily ask for the benefits of citizenship. Not because I see the US only as a place to work because I am an evil globalist. As I have said before, I would gladly share responsibility, as I would have done post-9/11 - because I support this country in many other ways.

To all that want to get rid of all anchor baby laws - what do you mean by that? No more citizenship by birthright? That still means children growing up separated from family, and growing up in foreign countries were theu will have friends and allegiance to.

If I were to have a liberal work permit, I could work as a scientist anywhere without delay, or could work in a job below my education (perhaps for a while). I would be able to support and see my daughter, and save retirement money since I don't get such benefit in Germany anymore (unless the US would make bilateral agreements). I would not have voting rights though, so I can directly influence US policies. I would not necessarily always take away jobs from Americans. There are enough low-paying jobs, where these are plenty filled by "illegal aliens" already. I could go back and forth between two friendly nations, Germany and the US. So what would the US lose if they allow this to parents of citizens, and Germany vice-versa? That seems a fairer way dealing with globalization than having only the jobs move away. If I can't find another job within some specified time I would move back to Germany temporarily, obviously, but I would not have risked becoming illegal and deportable.

My daughter is primarily with her legaly admitted mom, so taking her with me would mean abduction from her mom (indeed, a terrible thing I would never contemplate) as well as doing a crime of international scale. Child abduction is a crime. And you probably would want a US citizen being abducted.


Dirk Krueger on Feb 15, 2007 at 10:59:10 said:

S.Barnes -

are you suggesting to accept fate only? Just because my crusade was prompted by my bad luck or lack of foresight? No, I am not that easily deterred by a seemingly impossible situation. It is people only who make laws. This is not natural law.



Dirk Krueger on Feb 15, 2007 at 10:49:45 said:

Dear Mr. Barnes
- oh yes, I am also fighting the US because fighting my ex is no good, almost easier fighting the US. Anyways, I am a custodial parent. I am talking about shared legal custody, which I have gotten by fighting only. I tried for 5 years to also perhaps leave academia if need be. Industry or tenure track is the only way to EB GC anyways. But I was just unlucky and wanted to stay with my ex / daughter. Anyways - I am fighting for my daughter now, not for myself.


Dirk Krueger on Feb 15, 2007 at 10:45:09 said:

Dr. Nelson, and Mr(s) Barnes -

I agree with you that
a) many a country treats foreigners horribly
b) the situation in science was forseeable long ago

I reject the notion though that my ex spouse planned ahead better then me. She simply got lucky at the right time and the right spot to get a "stable" job outside academia, so that she could be (relatively well-paid) getting a Green Card that way. Understandably, a marriage between two scientists under all these circumstances was threatened from the get-go. However, I have the expertise to do as well work-wise in many ways, just wasn't that lucky.

You did not find my H1B details as I moved around from one to the next, and the latest is not listed apparently. I moved around only to stay with my ex who I very much loved.

Whether I respect US laws is another question. I am leaving because I have a job in Germany now and because the alternatives are all worse. But I do not respect the US laws as a stable thing even if I am no citizen. I will fight on, just because I am a custodial parent of a citizen. In that way, I do not respect those laws!

And that goes for my respect for other countries, including Germany, as well. This is a human rights issue just like any other.

Should the US really be proud to also treat foreigners horribly? That is a lame excuse! I thought you are the greatest country in the world?

I do not care for the citizenship. Just an unrestricted permanent work permit with retirement benefits! And just because I have a daughter here now. If you see this as bending of US laws to fit my circumstance, then be it that way. However, I have not planned it that way. The US government is responsible for ripping apart international families due to shortsighted immigration policies or lack thereof. This doesn't even have to do with birth-right citizenship, as without US citizenship my daughter would still be in this country due to her mom, and me separated from her.

If you really believe in globalization crap then open the borders for people as well! Make bilateral agreements at least, between nations on friendly terms with each other.



Dirk Krueger on Feb 14, 2007 at 18:23:27 said:

Dear Readers -

I thank you for reading, and for thoughtful comments.

Too bad, deciding on a different country to go to is not an option anymore for me.

Now before I move to packing up, and after I have had for a last time my daughter with me, please allow me to respond to various thoughts expressed by readers.

I certainly can understand both the hatred against illegal immigrants, and the hatred against corporations abusing the strongly reglemented legal pathways.

Neither can be solved by the simplistic "kick them all out" solution. I guarantee you if you were to do that to all the illegals, it will end up in a civil war.
Round all up in concentration camps! Fly them to Mexico - and what if Mexico refuses to take them back? Kids with parents deported roaming the land stealing and killing?

I am already kicked out in a way. So I won't take an American Ph.D.'s position. Well, doesn't matter, not too many Americans go that path anyways. Smart, with science so badly funded.
I am not a Soil Scientist, btw. I am dealing with evil Evolutionary Biology! And I am an atheist. Quite many anti-immigration people rather see such science shut down anyways.

There is an unholy alliance between the western societal forces that rip apart families (causing high divorce rates) and the people disrespecting basic human rights in this age of "globalization". Yet,
this globalization is only for the enrichment of certain people; seems like a country ripe for a revolution. Yes, both the American worker and immigrant / temporary guest fall victim. And in the end, the US itself will go down the tube.

Even as I leave, I will not shut up to attack US immigration policies.

In 2001 I felt much, much sympathy with this country. It then squandered sympathies the world over, and so it does squander mine. I would have liked to even help defend the US against the Islamic fundamentalist brood (the Reagan-sponsored fundamentalists) that shares much of
its zealotry with quite some fundamentalist group in the US, or with German Neonazis for that matter. In Germany, I will surely not join the one outspoken Antiamerican group, those idiot Neonazis.
But I will keep attacking aspects of US politics! I just take myself that right as someone who has a US daughter, as someone whou has lived a while in the US (9 years), and indeed, I did pay my US taxes.

The UN convention on the Rights of the Child (www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/k2crc.htm) partly states that parents and children shall not be separated. At the UNHCR website, I checked that the USA and Somalia
did not ratify it. What a coincidence - a failed nation and ...? There are also countries that declare they feel not bound by this, as they reserve the right to deport and treat foreigners differently. These
countries are: Korea, Germany, and Japan. And there is a few whose divorce laws are held against it. In all, about 10 pariah nations, including my own Germany, who at least has stopped deporting parents 2 years ago as an organization in Germany
confirmed to me (in German: www.fluechtlingsrat-nrw.de/2259/index.html). Many an American divorced parent felt the wrath of Japanese courts, too (www.international-divorce.com/d-japan.htm, www.crnjapan.com/en/).

Of course, the bluntest of this handful of pariah countries is the US! Well in line with their despicable treatment of the UN and international treaties, they rather did not even ratify. Well, noone dare to drag Americans before international courts.
But maybe I agree with you who wish to abolish the UN. That paper tiger. Too bad the German Nazis brought down the first model and I say so as a German. I think that there should be a new world body, and if the US doesn't want to be part of it, so be it.

US legal immigration policy is ripe with human rights abuses! I am not just for father's rights but human rights - so this might interest you as well:

PS - It was a provocation suggesting the removal of my ex spouse as well, and a provocation of me thinking I would kidnap my own child. I hoenstly sometimes think though I should swim back to the US because illegals have it better perhaps. That would trigger the end of my scientific work though, and would make me an easy target.

I am gonna blog (and later collect politician's responses). A start is done here:



Dirk Krueger on Feb 13, 2007 at 17:25:43 said:

Dear Colleen -

you say \\\"Temporary Visa means \\\"Temporary\\\". Go Home.\\\".

I knew it was temporary. I knew I was stupid enough to become a scientist and H1B slave. I should have known I have no right becoming a parent because of those choices. I knew I will be paying taxes, and even higher taxes in Wisconsin (because I am not a Wisconsin resident according to state law). Will have no benefits at all ever.

But now?

How about I kidnap my little girl? And then be arrested for kidnapping a US citizen?

I think there is a better way. I am doing it now. And I will stop at nothing to influence US politicians. I am the custodial parent of a US citizen. And the US is a barbaric nation if it denies human rights.


boohoo said:

"You should have checked our immigration laws before you started catting around. Anchor babies only work for illegal aliens. You are right though -- the U.S. doesn\'t need more PhDs, so your departure will be good news for the American PhDs that couldn\'t find a job because of you. So why isn\'t the German government allowing you to bring your daughter there?"

Have you ever considered that this is a human rights issue. Are you accusing me of trying to steal work from Americans, and having tried to get an anchor baby?

I am sorry, indeed I could care less about the US if I did not have a daughter here. And besides, I am a divorced father, and my ex stays with our daughter. So therefore there is no need to talk of Germany letting her in. She may apply for German citizenship, but getting her there would require me kidnapping her. I am angry enough about the hardships destroying my own dreams, but my daughter deserves both parents. Any nation that does not value this most fundamental of human rights to me is a sham.


PS - this can be combined. No, I am not in the "programmers guild". I have experience in an array of biological research, and I am co-author on a Science paper.

Dear Kim -
you ask:
"The guy does not say what critical research he was working on. Did he invent a cure for cancer? What did he really contribute to the U.S. during his several years here?"
No, I did not cure cancer. It is also hardly possible given my speciality, and given the funding situation and H1B restrictions. The point is - why does a US citizen (my daughter) have to suffer? Why not even let me work at BurgerKing for a while, to support her and see her? I have a scientist job coming up in Germany now, but will fight on. And Germany has similar, cruel laws ... which also needs change.


Wikipedia entries:


Legal immigration problems

Revision as of 22:36, 28 December 2006

In the USA, there is currently great inequality in illegal immigration and legal immigration, with legal immigrants of high skill facing multi-year bureaucratic backlogs at USCIS. With family and employment - based immigration, errors can result in tragic mistreatments of immigrants, spouses and children, even affecting US citizens. After divorce or death of a family member deportation also can occur. In order to avoid slipping into illegality, family members can be forced indirectly or directly to abandon their families. Unfortunately, the United States, as the only signee of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child other then Somalia, has not ratified the convention guaranteeing children regular contact to parents. It can be argued that illegal immigration and immigration from Latin America needs to be balanced by highly skilled immigrants from developed countries.

Wikipedia links

Immigration Voice, Asmeret Yosef case, Antje Croton case
